Modern Age RPG: Enemies & Allies (edycja angielska)
Nie możesz opowiadać historii bez postaci- wydanie angielskie
- Autor:
- Malcolm Sheppard
- Wydawca:
- Green Ronin Publishing
- Liczba stron:
- 128
- Rodzaj oprawy:
- twarda
Dostawa (Poczta Polska)
już od 12 zł.
Sprawdź opcje dostawy
You can't tell stories without characters and that's where Enemies & Allies comes in.
This sourcebook for the Modern AGE RPG is the Game Master's one stop shop for NPCs and creatures, covering genres such as modern fantasy, horror, near future SF, technothrillers, and crime dramas. It also includes rules to help you develop your own creatures and NPCs from scratch and modify those from other Modern AGE resources. The book also includes new game systems for Heat (how much unwanted attention characters are attracting), geomantic places of power, and more.
Give your Modern AGE campaign character with Enemies & Allies!
Podstawowe informacje
- Zawartość pudełka:
- podręcznik w twardej oprawie, 128 stron
- Waga:
- 800 g
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