Epic Card Game: Lost Tribe - Sage

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  • 2 - 4 osoby
  • od 13 lat
  • 20 - 40 minut
  • wydanie angielskie
A war fleet from the far north was caught in a mighty storm. Pulled hopelessly off course, the gods brought these ships to the shores of Gowana. Now this lost tribe finds themselves stranded on the tropical supercontinent. Can the lost tribe survive this test of the gods? Each pack contains a rules sheet, 2 token cards, 2 score cards, and 15 cards of a single alignment. Each player may combine any two Lost Tribe packs to make a 30-card two-alignment deck. Shuffle and you are ready to play!
Robert Dougherty, CJ Moynihan
Antonis Papantoniou
White Wizard Games

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A war fleet from the far north was caught in a mighty storm. Pulled hopelessly off course, the gods brought these ships to the shores of Gowana. Now this lost tribe finds themselves stranded on the tropical supercontinent. Can the lost tribe survive this test of the gods?

Each pack contains a rules sheet, 2 token cards, 2 score cards, and 15 cards of a single alignment. Each player may combine any two Lost Tribe packs to make a 30-card two-alignment deck. Shuffle and you are ready to play!



Podstawowe informacje

Zawartość pudełka:
  • 15 kart
  • 2 karty żetonów
  • 2 karty wyników
  • arkusz zasad
650 g


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