Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards: Hijinx at Hell High

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Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards: Hijinx at Hell High, the fifth Epic Spell Wars title, brings all the spell-crafting and trademark over-the-top humor and art to the world of high school. In the game, 2-6 players move up and down the Social Status Board, which ranges from the Ultimate Loser to Class President, and utilize the new keyword "Bully" as they try to annihilate their fellow wizards.
Matt Hyra, Cory Jones
RS Bixby
Cryptozoic Entertainment

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Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards: Hijinx at Hell High, the fifth Epic Spell Wars title, brings all the spell-crafting and trademark over-the-top humor and art to the world of high school. In the game, 2-6 players move up and down the Social Status Board, which ranges from the Ultimate Loser to Class President, and utilize the new keyword "Bully" as they try to annihilate their fellow wizards.



Podstawowe informacje

Zawartość pudełka:
  • 30 kart źródeł
  • 30 kart jakości
  • 30 kart dostawy
  • 8 dzikich kart magii
  • 9 ponadwymiarowych kart czarodziejów
  • 25 kart skarbów
  • 25 kart martwego czarodzieja
  • 15 żetonów zabójstw
  • 6 żetonów życia czaszki
  • żeton premii za moc
  • 5 sześciościennych kości
  • Rada Statusu Społecznego
  • 9 postaci czarodzieja
  • karta promocyjna do Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards
  • instrukcja
900 g
Kod producenta:


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